Saturday, December 26, 2015

Will surprises never cease

Decided to take the day 'off', it being Christmas and all.  And since the views of the blog were negligible, I figured it would be no big deal if I used the time more productively.  Surely I am not the only 'challenge' participant foregoing a post yesterday.

Had a lovely day, hanging with my two sons and Brian's (eldest son) girlfriend.  We went to a late- afternoon showing of "Star Wars: The Awakening,"and then they came back to my house for a pseudo-dinner and presents.  Hobbes was glad to see Bud and Angela, and she sat between them on the chair - until clamboring into Bud's lap to reclaim him.

Climbing back online today revealed an odd spike in readers over the last two days.  Perhaps I should say nothing more often.  Hmmm.

Will work on dishes and amassing G8 today - it's a Christmas present to myself.  I've already finished a load of laundry.  Here's hoping everyone had a lovely celebration, or gathering, or whatever you chose to do, and that you remain, healthy, happy and fulfilled.

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