Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Back to it

Yesterday was a day spent largely in the car or in a chair at a workshop.

Too much sitting.

Too much driving.

Too little hydration or food (until the very end...thank you, my adoptive family).

Not enough sewing/quilting.
A new technique? Yes.
A 100% totally useful technique? Not so much.

I will admit there was a practical take-away, something I may be able to utilize in coming applique pieces, but by-and-large - while I loved the experience and seeing Vikki's quilts up close (and very personal) - I can't see using the actual sewing method to make a quilt top.  Perhaps I will change my mind in years to come, but the quilt purist in me is kicking and screaming at the stitching portion. [sigh]

I was drop-dead tired, but with the non-stop nocturnal interruptions (of the feline sort), my mind was churning all night (even in the fitful bits of slumber).

I need to get back to quilting....but first, a nap.

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