Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Success and sour grapes

One of my returning pupils (from an earlier class as a "sewing" instructor at JAF) brought in her last project to show off - and it was hard to say who was more proud: mama or pupil.  I was pleased they were so happy.

The youngster was attending another project session, a much simpler project than the previous one, and by all rights, even simpler than the first class that I instructed and she attended.  Yes, if you're keeping score, she was having a third class with me.  I now have that "following" the 'educational director' spoke about.

The folks at JAF are not fond of thinking about the order of the classes according to skillsets (of the attendees) and simplicity-to-difficulty for the learning process.  Nope.  For the corporation, it'$ all about getting customer$ $igned up for the cla$$e$ and letting the instructor deal with any/all of the fallout issues.


And now I am understanding that the inane cheapness of JAF (as regards the PITIFUL wages earned by the contracted instructors) has sunk to a new low.  BOGO!  That's right - BOGO!!

Buy one, get one.  I know, I know. You thought that was just for shoe stores. Me too!

Nevertheless, here we are.  Now, not only am I making a mere 60% of the class price (most often sold at half-off. Ex: $55 full price is usually sold at 1/2 off = $27.50 -- 60% of $27.50 = $16.50...divide that by hours spent teaching AND the add'l 1/2 hour we are to be there BEFORE the start of the session{s} to ready the space, and there's the hourly 'pay'), but with the BOGO factor customers can buy two different classes at the half-off price, lowering the contractor amount even further!

I now have three new sessions scheduled, but unless they amend the amount to be paid to the contract instructor to remain at no less than 60% of the half-off amount, I am going to resign.  It truly doesn't pay!

Yes, I need a job - and the capital it should be paying - but I refuse to make less than a panhandler on a moderately busy street corner in Detroit City!

Oh, and the kicker?  I still (to this date) have not received a payment for the last 10 classes taught since mid-January!  Oh, yeah.  I'm excited to be working, but not in a good way.

Sorry about the sour grapes today.  Hope I didn't splash anything on your quilt projects. 

Does anyone know of a quilt shop or group looking for a real, experienced, excellent instructor?


Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

I totally agree with you on pay for instructors. I would refuse as well! We have to prepare months/years in advance, spend countless hours making class samples, carting our butts here, there and everywhere to teach, and I will not do it for pennies either!

Beth said...

OK, OK. My son has pointed out that I may be shooting myself in the foot with this post, but quite frankly, I am truly fed up with the whole thing.

I DO have a right to voice an opinion, and the fact that everything I have stated is true (most especially regarding how contractors are paid - so to speak), the only thing that may cause waves, and bruised feelings for the corporation, is that fact that I called them "cheap."

Well, amend the insufficient way you compensate contracted sewing instructors for [their] time and expertise! Don't be stingy paying [us] for our talent and teaching accumen. [We] are making you look good and you are doing next to nothing for us to compensate for our time and talent.

A little good will and a sufficient wage for the time spent in your service would be fair AND APPRECIATED. That's all I'm saying.

If you are upset over the truth and your panties get in a twist, I guess you can always look for (hope for) another instructor to come along (that people will be asking for). Someone better willing to put up with such low earning potential.

Think about it. That's all. Think about how you can show you value the sewing instructors.