Saturday, March 17, 2012

With the daylight comes the realization

Ah, yes - daylight.


An opportunity to share a bit more of the palette for the next new [gasp] quilt.

Yesterday I revealed a few of the center squares for the scrappy Ocean Waves on the cutting table, but ran out of good daylight with which to add a few extra photos. So, here now is a portion of the material for the multitude of triangles.My only real trouble/dilemma/quandary/SNAFU/issue is in actually being happy with the size I've chosen to make the blocks.

The desire to simplify and quickly make this gift for xx xxx (a bit larger in proportion) has outweighed my inner desire and intuition to scale the blocks a tad smaller and assemble more of them for the final result. You see, in order to make more of the blocks (on a slightly smaller scale) would necessitate my having to find and buy more material with realistic looking birds (very hard to come by).

So, my hands are essentially tied and the fate of the quilt block size is sealed. As it stands right now, I am still going to have a significant number of repeated central squares (those birds,, and perhaps some solid squares in complementary colors, to be able to finish off the 35 blocks it will take overall.

Ah, quilters, our lot is never an easy one, is it?


Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

I just looked on your blog for your email address to reach you privately... but couldn't find it. Could you please email me? Caron Mosey at gmail dot com Thanks!

Beth said...


I have since made visable that information - thanks for pointing out the issue!

I also sent you an email and responded to your FB acct (in case your spam filters are working in your email). :^)