Monday, February 24, 2014

1,730 +

Row B-7: The tip of the iceberg.  Now, only eight stinky pieces vex me.  

This square is kicking my butt.  Seriously.  Literally.

OK, so maybe not "literally," but you can consider my 'can' kicked.  There are still innumerable yellows to cut out - along with many thousands more of the same thus far - and I am still mad as ever to really want to get more of this quilt project sewn together.  I don't know if this quilt is more of a distraction from schoolwork, or if the classwork is a greater distraction from the quilt.  All I do know is I really just want to dive into it and work out the remainder of row B and move as quickly as possible through row C.  No more piecemeal work of stolen hours here and there - I want to devote some serious time to it!

If I can nail down the last of this square and get it stitched up today, the count will be 1,830.  Until then, it's more like 1,822.  Sheesh.

Oh, and trust me when I say the pieces that look way 'off' in B-7 truly are a better match in person.

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