Sunday, April 12, 2015

Not leaps and bounds

The progress on VGS is non-existent, and the forward momentum on "Peacock" comes - at best - in fits and starts.  Goodness knows I would like to MOVE on both projects and see great advances made, but it isn't practical.
A l t h o u g h, with the lack of decent jobs to find and apply to currently, perhaps my time would be better spent in a deep dark hole, needles and thread at the ready, and a good lamp beaming over my shoulder. The results achieved on the quilts would be astronomical - and it would never show as anything different in the job outcome.  [sigh]  I suppose I am simply feeling defeated and useless.  Hard to shake that cloud.

Anyhow, the image provided today shows the first joined quarter panels making up one of four 'Dresden-style' blocks.  There are seams to finish, seams to start and finish, seams that need touching up (now that the assembling has happened), and on and on, but it made me feel a little less lackluster to have made this dent in "Peacock".  More another time.

What are you up to?

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