Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Happy accidents

This little pixie...er, excuse me, this fairy was supposed to be the top of a chain/vine of flowers down a long seam, but no one thought my reticulated petals and upward-facing center portion looked right.  So, I began to see the petals as a skirt, and stitched a body among the leaves-now-turned-wings, and the flower now-turned-tutu.

My only regret is not having 2mm silk ribbon to wrap the threads for smoother arms and legs.  But the two-toned ribbon I used for the hair and face worked out rather well.

P.S. - Don't forget, this post can also be found at MadAsAHatter.blogspot.com
Very soon, the crazy quilt work will only be featured there.  Thanks for looking in!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

A brief update

I mentioned a little while back that I intended to move my CQ work to a different blog, since I had a few questions come at me asking if I could separate my CQ work from my traditional block work.


Well, I subscribe to (and read) a number of blogs where the bloggers (quilters, artists, whathaveyou) post about all manner of quilty subjects in that one space, and I don't have an issue with the change in gears (so to speak).  So when I was broached with the query ("could [I] separate [my] subject matter?") I honestly felt like saying "no"...but I didn't.

Instead, I have created another blog page, but have only managed to post to it two times.  Yup, you guessed it; I still post the majority of my brilliant prose and interesting photos here.  But, I may begin to add more of the strictly CQ work to www.bethsmadasahatter as the year progresses, and less of the CQ work here.  In any event, I'll let you know when I do, and I'll make it easy to get to.

Thanks for looking in : )

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Not leaps and bounds

The progress on VGS is non-existent, and the forward momentum on "Peacock" comes - at best - in fits and starts.  Goodness knows I would like to MOVE on both projects and see great advances made, but it isn't practical.
A l t h o u g h, with the lack of decent jobs to find and apply to currently, perhaps my time would be better spent in a deep dark hole, needles and thread at the ready, and a good lamp beaming over my shoulder. The results achieved on the quilts would be astronomical - and it would never show as anything different in the job outcome.  [sigh]  I suppose I am simply feeling defeated and useless.  Hard to shake that cloud.

Anyhow, the image provided today shows the first joined quarter panels making up one of four 'Dresden-style' blocks.  There are seams to finish, seams to start and finish, seams that need touching up (now that the assembling has happened), and on and on, but it made me feel a little less lackluster to have made this dent in "Peacock".  More another time.

What are you up to?