Friday, December 29, 2017

Two in January, and two in July

Now, add this one for December, and anyone can see that I have certainly lost interest in most everything I once cared about.  Woohoo, five entries for an entire year.

You know, it isn't as though nothing happened over the last 12 months, I just fell off of the planet emotionally. 

Hmm, or maybe I jumped off. 

Whatever it was, I found a deep, dark, black hole and crawled into it;  burrowed so far in that I couldn't see out - not that I wanted to, either.  Nobody was invited in, and there was nothing I wanted anything to do with on the outside, so I pulled in the opening after myself and retreated from the world. 

Not much got done while I took up residence in my own private Idaho, either. 
No gardening,
not much quiltmaking,
definitely no quilt finishes, and
no writing - none which ever saw the light of day at any rate.

I've had spurts of CQ work, a short season of applique, a brief bootcamp to practice working with the new stationary LA (without ever achieving a level of proficiency), and interminable stretches of longing to be interested in any of my ongoing projects, but no real oomph to get me over this hump of indifference and light a fire to get me going.



Hoping to do better/more in the coming year, but no promises.  I still don't know what's going on in my head, yet, and parts of me are still hidden in that remote black hole (hidden even from myself), but I have hopes of sneaking peeks of sunlight and happier things in the coming weeks and months.  And maybe if I write you may come and visit.  And if you come and visit, you may find it in yourself to leave a comment or question to let me know my work made you think or smile, or just to know that you simply stopped by. 

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